Hurricane Tracking Map


Tropical storms are areas of extremely low pressure on the earth’s surface. A tropical storm with a wind speed greater than 73 mph belongs to the category of hurricanes. Strong hurricanes of category 2 and higher can cause natural disasters and damage. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize them beforehand and keep the situation under control. A live map of these natural phenomena would help to detect hurricane evacuation zones, warn about a disaster such as flooding, and contribute to public safety.

Our hurricane radar page allows you to track the movement of hurricanes and tropical storms on the map. To find out where the actual storm is currently moving, click the icon in the upper-right corner of the map. You will see chains of colorful dots forming the past, current, and predicted path of a hurricane, cyclone, or tropical storm. The movement area forecast predicts a zone where a cyclone can go with the most probable path in the center of the zone.

Different types of tropical storms are marked with different colors on the map:

  • Tropical Depression (<38 mph)
  • Tropical Storm (39-73 mph)
  • Category 1 Hurricane (74-95 mph)
  • Category 2 Hurricane (96-110 mph)
  • Category 3 Hurricane (111-129 mph)
  • Category 4 Hurricane (130-156 mph)
  • Category 5 Hurricane (157 mph or higher)

Active Hurricanes

In the table below, you can find helpful information about the hurricanes that are currently active and then follow their tracks on our map.

NameCategorywind speedmoving

More in app

In the Rain Viewer app, you can view more details about the upcoming hurricanes, cyclones, and tropical storms with the following key features:

Extended storm information

You can tap each point of the tropical storm path and view details about it, such as category, wind speed (including a possible storm surge), and movement speed.

Extended storm information

Push notifications

We send timely notifications via the app in the event of a hurricane that is near your city or region. As a result, you have enough time to evacuate and get further assistance, if necessary.

Rain Viewer is a universal application to check if it will rain and forecast the weather.

Quick settings

You can quickly turn the storm tracks on and off in quick settings directly on the map, together with many other layers, such as satellite data, radar coverage, severe weather zones, etc.

Rain Viewer is a universal application to check if it will rain and forecast the weather.

Can a weather radar detect hurricanes?

When a hurricane is within approximately 325 km or 200 miles off the coast, a land-based weather radar can detect it. Such radars deliver up-to-date data about rain intensity, tropical storm movement, and speed. As a result, the National Weather Service can issue short-term warnings for intense winds, tornadoes, and flooding in certain areas. Rain Viewer has access to data from over 1000 radars around the world. Thus, we can provide the most actual information about the current cyclones and hurricanes, updated in real time.

How to track a hurricane on a map?

To track a hurricane on our map, you should turn on the tropical storm tracks. To do it, click the icon in the top-right corner. This will display the chains of dots marked with different colors that represent the scale of the tropical storm. The name of the current hurricane is pointing at the dot marked with the color that currently corresponds to its type. In the Rain Viewer app, you can tap the hurricane's name to get more details about it.

Hurricane Tracking in Countries



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